Zion Life Changing Ministries is registered by the government of Uganda with a special objective and emphasis on changing our society for the glory of God, through taking care of orphaned and needy children plus envangelism and discipleship offered through church services offered at Zion Worship Center located in Mityana Disctrict, Mityana municiple council, Uganda.
Our life long journey began since God called Pastor Wabwire James in 2008 to plant a church ministry in our community and later God guided him to start taking of suffering children and today this has become a wide solution to a number of suffering and abandoned children of this community.
The following are the objectives of our ministry;

To help where God leads

To build an environment whereby all children regardless of their background can be developed into responsible citizens of their communities.

To lead by example before those God called us to serve and encourage Christ likeness among our members.

By abiding by above mentioned objectives we shall live out our God given vision to change our society for his glory.